Friday, February 15, 2008

Thursday Travels

Wednesday Night Bible Class was energizing; most of the girls were there. Sterling broughts Anna and Angela. It was a good day spent with David, Michelle, Rob, and Jeannette at Aunt Velma's funeral. After the graveside service we visited at the Pizza Hut (Velma's favorite!).

Thursday began with a trip to Chandler where I discovered the Rt. 66 Bakery & Deli. After the contracts were signed I found a Taco Mayo in the other half of town. I barely made it home in time to see the second race of the Duals at Daytona. Joe Gibb's 11 car has won the first ever Cup victory for the Toyota Camry. MWR teammates worked together to get Dale Jarrett into his final 500!
Then the call begging me to come back to work. . . I drove to Guthrie at dusk, and then all the way to Woodward for just 2 signatures! When I started back at 9:20, it was 28 degrees and traffic was light. I managed to get home for a valentine kiss just minutes before midnight. Thank You, Lord, for safe travel and a good job.

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