Thursday, January 31, 2008

Frozen Tundra Thursday

The much anticipated snow storm for the Northern half of Oklahoma had to be checked out first hand... so "they" sent me with 3 contracts to Enid and Clinton. While waiting for the Doctor, I sneaked down for some great pizza - thin crust, of course.
From the alley behind a supermarket to a walk-in medical clinic to the happy little casa out West, I continue to meet interesting Oklahomans. Oh, when I got back... I had to go back, back to Enid, again. This time the darkness partnered with the icy roads of I-35. I found Chisholm H.S. and the doc's hidden villa. After 430 miles, I'm so happy to be home with my sweetheart. Did I mention our electricity was off about sunrise? Or that Dan called from somewhere between Memphis and Omaha?

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